Thursday 15 November 2012

5 more sleeps...

Just 5 more sleeps to go (although I may be so excited next Tuesday that I won't sleep, so maybe just the 4 to go?!) until I can ride the vulcan!

The clear coat will be dry by now, so I aim to polish the front and rear fenders tonight and start putting the bike back together tomorrow - followed by a good polish of the tank, wheels, etc...all those things that have been neglected for a few months!

I must also remember to change the oil and oil filter before the trip - the spark plugs should be fine, given I replaced them recently and hopefully the chain is tight enough... I don't want any issues on the trip.

Rear fender:

I have been looking around at different style bikes and am really enjoying the 60's and 70's style of lace patterns - I bought some lace recently and did a couple of trials to see what colour combinations work (just on cardboard) - so am thinking further down the track the tank (and head light) will get a full make over, with sections containing patterns along the lines of this:
Not too much though, I don't want to over do it - just subtle highlights here and there - I think it could add a lot of class to the bike, if done right (and it's a big 'if'!).
Also, depending on how the current setup feels over this 4 day trip, I am very tempted to see how the bike would look/ride with some gold coloured 'tracker' style bars - I have seen some at a shop and quite like them...but worry it will be uncomfortable on my back, like my current bike, which has tracker bars....*pondering*...

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