Thursday 26 April 2012

Fender and such...

The fender/tail light/indicators/exhaust wrap arrived on Tuesday, so spent a bit of time on ANZAC Day (Yesterday) installing the fender and tail light - I also taped on the indicator to see what it would look like on the fender strut (ignore the wire sticking out of the fender, that was just sitting there for the photo!!). I also found a way to position the seat lower - still needs a better bracket at the front, but almost there now!

Unfortunately the seat bracket does foul on the fender mount, so I cut a crescent shape out of it, ground it all down and had it looking good, only to find the issue was still there (d'oh!), so cut a little more, but ran out of time, so not quite fixed up yet. More cuttin' and grindin' needed :)

 I have to work this weekend, so probably won't get the chance to work on it - but it's coming along nicely. Much further ahead than where I thought I'd be at this stage! Lucky for the wet weather I guess, otherwise I'd be out working in the yard :)


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